The jungle is an exclusive travel destination and an extraordinary adventure, where even organizing your backpack can be a challenge. If you are planning a trip to the Amazon, it's important to know that the temperatures and humidity levels are so extreme, leading the forest to create its own rainy season from the abundant water vapors in the atmosphere.
The Amazon basin is a complex ecosystem, unique in the world and special for continuously evolving over millions of years. Characterized by lush vegetation composed of a wide variety of plants and trees, the jungle is inhabited by indigenous populations for at least 10.000 years ago, in conditions of high humidity and heavy tropical rainfalls.
The Amazon Rainforest is an extraordinary ecosystem that boasts an incredible diversity of species, including butterflies, mammals, birds, fish, reptiles and plants. Visiting this unique destination is an adventure like no other, however such a trip requires careful planning, especially when it comes to health-related aspects.
Due to the great diversity of climate, Peru is one of the most beautiful destinations around the world. Lima is the second-largest desert city in the world, the Andes hide incredible Inca ruins left almost intact by a civilization that perished too soon, and the Peruvian part of the Amazon is one of the most biodiverse places on Earth. Besides, Machu Picchu citadel is considered one of the 7 Wonders of the Modern World, and its variety of resources attracts millions of tourists each year fascinated by Peruvian cuisine.